What Shapes TEK-involved Partnerships?

The focus of this website is on Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) and Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) of tribal nations within the Great Lakes Region.* However, there are many factors that shape potential partnerships or collaborations involving TEK. These factors can create barriers and influence which tribal nations are included in working relationships, whether with governmental agencies and institutions or land-grant universities. To provide some context, and what some of those barriers can look like, resources are below so viewers are aware of where they may sit in the landscape of the Great Lakes Region. Also, check out a collection of TEK information, learning opportunities and articles that span the U.S. and worldwide.

*While we acknowledge that there are Indigenous nations of the Great Lakes Region whose traditional territories span across the United States and Canada border, our focus is bound by the political borders of the United States. In the future, we hope to work collaboratively to broaden this website information to be more inclusive of Indigenous peoples who currently reside within the political borders of Canada. We urge viewers to research the history of First Nations and Métis peoples and their relationships with Canada and the Great Lakes Region.